Reaching the nations for Christ through education
Cindi's Hope Academic Progress
Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

In The Beginning...
The first year that Cindi’s Hope Academy had its own facility, we began tracking student academic progress. Cindi’s Hope students outperformed Kenyan public school after the first year of the Direct Instruction curriculum implementation. Direct Instruction is a model for teaching that emphasizes well-developed and carefully planned lessons designed around small learning increments and clearly defined and prescribed teaching tasks. It is based on the theory that clear instruction eliminating misinterpretations can greatly improve and accelerate learning. (https://www.nifdi.org) Cindi's Hope has received support from the Engelmann Foundation to ensure that all students succeed. (https://www.engelmannfoundation.org) Please keep in mind, all Cindi’s Hope students in Kenya fall within the following categories: abused, abandoned, neglected, orphaned, and/or non-native English speakers. Below is a snapshot of the student’s academic progress the first few years.
2011 – 2015 Students Meeting Benchmark
2015 – First Fruits of Harvest
After learning the Kenyan primary-school education curriculum at Cindi’s Hope Academy, 18 children sat for their exams between 2015 – 2017 to attend high school. The student's secured positions in high schools from various parts of Kenya. Every year, Cindi's Hope Academy graduates students from Elementary and Middle School to be able to attend High School.
Sponsorship Opportunities
While the children are first rescued from their situations by the Kenyan government, they do not offer assistance or resources to Cindi’s Hope. Sponsored or subsidized education is offered at the Cindi's Hope Primary schools in both Kenya and Rwanda. Therefore funding must come from outside sources. Help us provide much-needed food, clothing, and infrastructure for Cindi's Hope Academy. We have set up several opportunities that make it easy for you to give.
Continued Success
An Analysis of Measures of Academic Progress of Cindi’s Hope Students:
Fall, 2021 to Fall 2021
Jean Stockard, PhD
Professor Emerita, University of Oregon
January 2, 2023
This document examines results on the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), a standardized achievement test, of students in three Cindi’s Hope (CH) Schools in Rwanda from Fall 2021 to Fall 2022. The schools are located in reconciliation villages,” very low-income, rural communities. Before attending the schools, students have had no exposure to English or other educational experiences. The schools have developed gradually, starting with first year students and gradually adding cohorts. They provide year-round instruction as well as food and other support for students. Teachers use the Direct Instruction curriculum and the schools have well developed training and coaching protocols to promote.
MAP scores of the CH students are compared to normative data from students in the United States. A trend analysis, using data for all students, compared average achievement scores at each grade and subject with averages in the US. In almost all schools and grades, average MAP scores were higher in Fall 2022 than in Fall 2021, supporting previous research that indicates schools and teachers become more skilled with greater experience with the curriculum. A panel analysis restricted the sample to students who had been tested in the previous year. The increase in MAP scores was even greater for this sub-group, supporting previous research indicating that achievement gains are greatest for students with continual exposure to the curriculum. In general, the results suggest that, if the current rate of learning continues, the MAP scores of CH students could approach or meet those of the normative sample in the US.