They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. Psalm 145:6-7
The children who were so excited to see us come to the village were scattered around sitting in the dirt watching from a distance as we played with the Cindi's Hope school children. We weren't able to invite them to play because the Rweru, Rwanda school isn't big enough...yet. If Cindi's Hope is able to gain the funds to expand, then they could have additional teachers, uniforms, socks, and shoes, be taught hygiene, and most importantly about their eternal Father who loves them. I am sold out for this ministry and excited to see God work in Rwanda through Cindi's Hope. Brett
My ears had heard of you but now
my eyes have seen you. Job 42:5
It's true, seeing is so different than just hearing. From the moment I had heard about Cindi's Hope and the work the Lord was doing through her in Kenya and Rwanda, my heart was being pulled there. My eyes have now brought revelation I wouldn't have known until I went. God is moving mightily so much work and ministry is still to be done. For each
child helped, a generation will be impacted. Shamefully the world turned their back on the people of Rwanda almost 25 years ago in their greatest time of need. We need now to extend to them the love of Christ and the hope of the Gospel. Only He can heal their deepest wounds. Jamie
Cindi's Hope is a ministry that I really have been in awe of. It is very holistic and reaches people of all ages in many areas of need. I have been in a lot of countries and seen a lot of different ministries going on and none come as close to accomplishing so many goals as that of CH, and in such a short period of time too. Cindi allows the Holy Spirit to work fluidly as new opportunities and needs arise, and she exercises her faith in a way that challenges everyone around her. It is an honor and a privilege to support this ministry, and I have great confidence in the integrity of those running it too. Laura
Our team joined Dr. Cindi Mendoza of Cindi's Hope in Rweru, Rwanda to meet the 156 children in the 1st of 7 Cindi's Hope Academies to be built . We took supplies for the school, led VBS at the school and helped with the Church construction project. We also shared the love of Jesus to 4,000 inmates at the Burgessera Correctional facility and distributed 286 Bibles with a request for hundreds more! Valerie
I am so grateful for a God who forgives and loves freely. And I am grateful for a God who changes my heart for His people. Olivia
Words do not give us the ability to express how moved our team was during this trip. "Let the little children come to Me" is something that continues to ring true in all of our hearts. Being able to work and play with the kids that fill the classrooms of Cindi's Hope is impactful. Alan
We visited CHA in Kenya and Rwanda. Our hearts and minds are open to the tremendous work God is doing through CHA. Our love for His work and the vision only God can give stirred our hearts to be a part of what God is already doing to feed, cloth, and provide Christian education to the most vulnerable in these countries. We are so excited about the vision and goals of reaching these children we have committed not only our time but to giving His resources to the vision, needs, and future of Cindi’s Hope Academy. Donna and Coby
Realizing that a smile is still a smile, continents apart, and the Love and Power of Jesus Christ is the same, anywhere in the world. Language may separate us, but our love and worship of the Lord, still makes us family. Tony
These beautiful children attend Cindi's Hope Academy in Rwanda. They are learning math, reading, English and so much more. The Word of God is being taught every day; it is visible everywhere you look around the school. But most importantly, the presence of the Lord is there in a mighty way! Windy
The children are so bright at Cindi’s Hope schools. Their manners are impeccable and they’re very knowledgeable about the Bible. I just loved doing crafts with them to illustrate Bible lessons. They would wrap up each day of school with songs and dancing. It brought so much joy to my heart.